sábado, 22 de novembro de 2008

Da história.

Que tipo de história estará construindo hoje?
Partindo dos scripts do passado e dos paradigmas já erguidos, chegou a acreditar que o conformismo faz a vida mais fácil. Fato? Bom, sentado no sofá que um dia já esteve mais limpo, dentro da sala que já teve menos pó e que já viu muito mais do que nunca quis, decide que não.
O problema de sair do status quo é a força exigida para derrotar o poder da inércia. Quanto custa o ímpeto inicial? Quanto custa encarar a realidade e não se deixar abater?
Quanto custa deixar de atuar, jogar as mascáras fora e viver de verdade?
Para saber, precisa-se dar o primeiro passo. O grande problema é que tal ação incorre no já pagamento daquilo que tanto se teme.

[+] Caetano e Chico - Rita/Esse Cara

sábado, 15 de novembro de 2008


After years of expensive education,
a car full of books and anticipation,
I’m an expert on Shakespeare and that’s a hell of a lot
but the world don't need scholars as much as I thought.

Maybe I'll go travelling for a year,
finding myself or start a career.
I could work for the poor though I’m hungry for fame
we all seem so different but we're just the same.

Maybe I'll go to the gym, so I don't get fat,
aren't things more easy with a tight six pack?
Who knows the answers? Who do you trust?
I can't even separate love from lust.

Maybe I’ll move back home and pay off my loans,
working nine to five answering phones.
Don't make me live for my friday nights,
drinking eight pints and getting in fights.

I don't want to get up, just let me lie in,
leave me alone, I'm a twenty something.

Maybe I'll just fall in love that could solve it all,
philosophers say that that’s enough,
there surely must be more. Ooooh

Love ain’t the answer nor is work,
the truth eludes me so much it hurts.
But I’m still having fun and I guess that's the key,
I'm a twenty something and I'll keep being me.

doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah

I’m a twenty something.
Let me lie in, Leave me alone.
I’m a twenty something.

doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah
doh dah duh dah, do duh dah dah dah

[+] Jamie Cullum - Twentysomething

domingo, 9 de novembro de 2008

Oh, the guilt.

"First, do no harm.
Easier said than done. We could take all the oaths in the world, but the fact is most of us do harm all the time.
Sometimes, even when we're trying to help, we do more harm than good.
And then the guilt rears its ugly head; what you do with that guilt is up to you. We're left with a choice. Either let the guilt throw you back into the behavior that got you into trouble in the first place or learn from the guilt and do your best to move on".

[+] Grey's anatomy - Third Season - 5th Episode